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[Fixed in 1.8.3] Config Backup Failure

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:41 pm
by jwhitl2

After upgrading to 1.8, I am having an issue with some of my configurations successfully backing up. Prior to the upgrade I had no issues. The errors in unimus.log are:

WARN 1114 --- [backup-16] : Unable to download backup from 'x.x.x.x' - 'Expect operation fails (timeout: 20000 ms) for matcher: anyOf(TailingRegexp('\Q#######################################################################\E ?# ?$'),TailingRegexp('\Q#######################################################################\E ?> ?$'))'!

WARN 1114 --- [backup-16] : Output recognition timeout reached while trying to talk to x.x.x.x!

This is only happening on about 14 of the 30 switches I have configured. All of them are the same model of switch (WS-C2960X-48FPD-L), but most of the other switches that are successfully backing up are the exact same model. I have attempted to remove and re-discover, and the re-discover works fine, but it still fails on backup. I also attempted to change the default timeout values located in /etc/default/unimus, but that didn't seem to work as the log lists 20000ms even though it has been changed and, for good measure, I restarted the whole server afterwards instead of just Unimus.

Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Config Backup Failure

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:57 pm
by Tomas
Update: this has been fixed, and the fix is present in 1.8.3.


From the log, this will definitely be a bug on our side.
We are very sorry you ran into this.

Could we please schedule a Webex session to look at this in depth?
If so, please PM me to work out the details.
