Postgre / API and Mass Push Config Output Search

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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:29 pm

Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:01 pm

Hello, first time caller, long term listener.

I've got a Unimus implementation that I've been trying to get results from the API for mass push configs, but am having issues getting data out.

I can run my mass config push in the Unimus UI without problem, and see output in the output groupings, so I know the actual function is working.

When I follow the instructions Tomas provided here: viewtopic.php?t=1531 to try to get output from the API, I grab the job uuid, and API query against /api/v3/jobs/push/{uuid}/result, but when I do so, either from a REST api call, or even from the SwaggerUI I receive 404 errors:

"errorCode": "ENTITY_NOT_FOUND",
"details": [
"Push preset not found"

I've confirmed against postgre in the push_preset table, the name/UUID matches what I see in the /api/v3/jobs/tasks/status query.

Also, when I dig through postgre, I can't seem to find the actual data output either, I've dug through the various push tables without luck. It looks like push_output_group should be where I'm looking, but that only shows output OID.

Help? I just want to see my device-level output from a mass-config-push via either sql or (more ideally) API query.
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:16 am

Fri May 10, 2024 10:28 am


You probably already received an answer from my colleague via email, but I would like to reply to your post on this forum as well.
We checked our API endpoint:
It seems that it currently returns only results related to the jobs triggered through the API. We would like to enhance it so that results of the jobs triggered through the UI will also be covered.

At the moment, no ETA is provided, but I will keep you updated in case of any new information.
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