[Fixed in 2.4.0] Getting an INTERACTION_ERROR when trying to backup a VyOS box

Unimus support forum
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Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:52 pm

Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:47 am


I have two VyOS boxes running release 1.4. When I try to backup them up with Unimus, I get an "INTERACTION_ERROR" However, the host discovery works fine. Is there a log file somewhere that I can view that would give me more context of why it's failing?


In the Unimus Log, I am getting this:

Code: Select all

2023-10-30 22:04:16.310  WARN 14565 --- [backup-27] n.u.c.d.vendors.vyos.VyosBackupDriver    : Output recognition timeout reached while trying to talk to ''!
2023-10-30 22:04:16.311  WARN 14565 --- [backup-27] n.u.c.d.vendors.vyos.VyosBackupDriver    : Unable to download backup from '' - 'Timed out waiting for any known data from device (timeout: 20000 ms)'!
2023-10-30 22:04:16.413  WARN 14565 --- [backup-4] n.u.c.d.vendors.vyos.VyosBackupDriver    : Output recognition timeout reached while trying to talk to ''!
2023-10-30 22:04:16.413  WARN 14565 --- [backup-4] n.u.c.d.vendors.vyos.VyosBackupDriver    : Unable to download backup from '' - 'Timed out waiting for any known data from device (timeout: 20000 ms)'!

2023-10-30 22:08:04.625  WARN 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.d.vendors.vyos.VyosBackupDriver    : Unable to download backup from '' - 'Timed out waiting for any known data from device (timeout: 20000 ms)'!
2023-10-30 22:08:04.630 TRACE 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.service.BackupExceptionTranslator  : Translating to backup error, proxy type 'DIRECT'

net.sf.expectit.ExpectIOException: Timed out waiting for any known data from device (timeout: 20000 ms)
	at net.unimus.core.cli.interaction.CliOutputCollectionHandler.collect(CliOutputCollectionHandler.java:218)
	at net.unimus.core.cli.interaction.CliOutputCollectorImpl.getOutput(CliOutputCollectorImpl.java:260)
	at net.unimus.core.cli.interaction.CliOutputCollectorImpl.getOutputOf(CliOutputCollectorImpl.java:107)
	at net.unimus.core.cli.interaction.CliOutputCollectorImpl.getOutputOf(CliOutputCollectorImpl.java:69)
	at net.unimus.core.drivers.cli.AbstractConfigurableCliBackupDriver.backup(AbstractConfigurableCliBackupDriver.java:173)
	at net.unimus.core.service.backup.CliBackupServiceImpl.backup(CliBackupServiceImpl.java:166)
	at net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob.callService(BackupJob.java:50)
	at net.unimus.core.api.job.AbstractJob.execute(AbstractJob.java:164)
	at net.unimus.core.api.job.AbstractJob.run(AbstractJob.java:149)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:750)

2023-10-30 22:08:04.631 TRACE 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.s.connection.ssh.SshConnection     : Closing device CLI session
2023-10-30 22:08:04.632 TRACE 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.s.connection.ssh.SshConnection     : Closing SSH shell channel
2023-10-30 22:08:04.632 TRACE 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.s.connection.ssh.SshConnection     : Closing SSH session
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.c.s.backup.CliBackupServiceImpl      : Unable to download backup from '':'8222' with 'Credential{id=3, username='******', password = **** character(s)}' - 'INTERACTION_ERROR'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob        : Removing task from registry, id 'D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob        : Finishing task execution, id 'D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob        : Current task state, id 'D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7', state 'RUNNING'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob        : Sending task response, id 'D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.633 TRACE 14565 --- [backup-51] n.u.core.api.ForwardingResponseSender    : Sending 'BackupJobFinishedMessage(opId=4a76ae5f-3b4d-48f8-8d12-18efa9f9682b, zoneId=Z-51e86bbb-1c25-44f7-8082-3058219032c3, jobId=D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7, metadata=JobMetadata(startTime=1698728862927, duration=21706), result=BackupJobResult(deviceUuid=D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7, backupType=TEXT, error=INTERACTION_ERROR, runtimeError=null))'
2023-10-30 22:08:04.634 DEBUG 14565 --- [backup-51] net.unimus.core.api.job.BackupJob        : Task finished, id 'D-3593eacb-9d6b-4199-bc53-94075875b4e7', state 'FINISHED'

Then, when I click on "Download Device output file," I get the whole config of the device and it has the header of:

Code: Select all

Zone number: 0
Job type: BACKUP
Job  started: 2023-10-30 22:07:42.927
Job finished: 2023-10-30 22:08:04.633
<<SSH connect - socket>>SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.2p1
<<SSH disconnect - socket>><<SSH connect - session>><<SSH connect - shell channel>>
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Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:42 pm


This should be already fixed in the latest 2.4.0 Beta release. Newer VyOS versions added output termination. You can see the issue here in the log:
Unable to download backup from '' - 'Timed out waiting for any known data from device (timeout: 20000 ms)'!

The device output pagination ("--More--") and then an "(END)". This output termination is now supported in 2.4.0. From the changelog:
Added support for output termination in newer versions of VyOS
As I mentioned, 2.4.0 is currently in Beta, you can get more info (and a download link) here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1644
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Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:28 am

Thank you Tomas.

How does one go about installing the beta version on CentOS box? I usually just follow these steps when upgrading:

yum install wget curl -y
wget https://unimus.net/install-unimus.sh
chmod +x install-unimus.sh

Thank You,
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Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:40 am

mlyonff wrote:
Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:28 am
Thank you Tomas.

How does one go about installing the beta version on CentOS box? I usually just follow these steps when upgrading:
You are welcome! The instructions on how to deploy the Beta are on the Beta download page :)
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Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:18 pm

Sweet! It does the VyOS backups perfectly now!

Thank you!
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