[Fixed in 1.4.0] Unable to add ProCurve 2824
After using Unimus at home I decided I'd like to use it at work for the few devices we have here that can be backed up by it. The main one we have is a HP ProCurve 2824. I can connect to it via telnet without issue, but Unimus is saying it cannot create a telnet or ssh session to it. Are there any logs I can provide to help troubleshoot this?
Logs are in:
Linux - /var/log/unimus/unimus.log
Win - C:\ProgramData\Unimus\log\unimus.log
Unimus can also be run in debug mode if the standard logs do not show sufficient data.
Please let me know what OS and what distribution you are running.
Logs are in:
Linux - /var/log/unimus/unimus.log
Win - C:\ProgramData\Unimus\log\unimus.log
Unimus can also be run in debug mode if the standard logs do not show sufficient data.
Please let me know what OS and what distribution you are running.
I'm currently running the croc/unimus Docker image, however if needed I can switch to a standard install on a Windows machine. The logs in the container currently just show
Code: Select all
2017-10-17 14:51:28.302 INFO 7 --- [http-nio-8085-exec-1] net.unimus.service.DeviceService : Adding new device
Actually, just after I posted that the container crashed (seems to be an issue with Docker on Synology devices) so its now running on a Ubuntu 16.04 install.
Running with java -jar /opt/unimus/Unimus.jar --logging.level.net.unimus.core=TRACE shows the following.
Code: Select all
2017-10-17 10:22:54.959 DEBUG 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.service.cli.CliDiscoveryService : Discovering available SSH port on ''.
2017-10-17 10:22:54.959 TRACE 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.core.service.cli.ssh.SshConnector : Checking ssh availability on within timeout 10000s
2017-10-17 10:22:54.960 DEBUG 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.core.service.cli.ssh.SshConnector : Failed to connect SSH to reason 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'.
2017-10-17 10:22:54.961 DEBUG 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.service.cli.CliDiscoveryService : SSH on '' did not respond on any of configured connector ports.
2017-10-17 10:22:54.961 DEBUG 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.service.cli.CliDiscoveryService : Discovering available TELNET port on ''.
2017-10-17 10:22:54.961 TRACE 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.s.cli.telnet.TelnetConnector : Checking telnet availability on within timeout 10000s
2017-10-17 10:23:04.971 TRACE 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.s.cli.telnet.TelnetConnector : Telnet presence check on '' failed within timeout 10000ms
2017-10-17 10:23:04.971 TRACE 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.s.cli.telnet.TelnetConnector : Closing expect session
2017-10-17 10:23:04.971 TRACE 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.s.cli.telnet.TelnetConnector : Closing telnet session
2017-10-17 10:23:04.972 DEBUG 17430 --- [ discovery-2] n.u.c.service.cli.CliDiscoveryService : TELNET on '' did not respond on any of configured connector ports.
ProCurve J4903A Switch 2824
Software revision I.10.77
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That looks correct... we will need to do some more debug.
Can you please run Unimus like this:
This will output debugging data and device communications to the console.
Please run a discovery and send me the output.
Feel free to PM me the log, and please strip any sensitive info.
Can you please run Unimus like this:
Code: Select all
java -jar Unimus.jar \
--logging.level.net.unimus.core=TRACE \
--unimus.core.echo-ssh=TRUE \
Please run a discovery and send me the output.
Feel free to PM me the log, and please strip any sensitive info.
Just an update for anyone watching this thread - issue has been fixed, fix will be released in 1.4.0.
The issue affected ProCurve only over Telnet.
ProCurves over SSH work in all current releases.
All thanks go to smccloud for working through this issue with me!
The issue affected ProCurve only over Telnet.
ProCurves over SSH work in all current releases.
All thanks go to smccloud for working through this issue with me!