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[Fixed in 0.2.0] Bug Report

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:31 am
by scott560000
I've just deployed the .WAR on Debian Jesse, with Java 8 and Tomcat-8.0.36.

Install went fairly smoothly, however if you choose the non-mysql option for database the default path the installer uses is /var/unimus instead of /etc/unimus.

I've got a few Mikrotik routers and switches running ssh on non-standard ports (port 9522), so I put these in as appropriate. I've created a backup job, manually added the devices and attempted a backup job but I get the attached error.

Router logs indicate that no ssh connection was attempted by Unumus

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:00 am
by scott560000
Also found a quirky little UI bug - in the other settings page when specifying ports - if I enter a value in here and click save it will repeat a number of times. Please find screenshot attached.

I've been able to successfully obtain a backup of my Mikrotik access point via HTTP. My main router only has HTTPS enabled and SSH on a non-default port. This is all i see in catalina.out
2016-07-30 17:44:17.665 INFO 3876 --- [ discovery-4] net.unimus.core.util.MessageLogger : Logging message GenericMessage [payload=DiscoveryResult(context=JobContext(deviceId=1, groupId=1), address=, port=9522, credentials=null, deviceVendor=null, deviceType=null, model=null, connectorType=SSH, discoveryLog={SSH=NONE_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL_VALID}, successful=false), headers={unimus-core-discovery-context=BackerContext(isDiscovered=false, sshConnectorConfig=net.unimus.schema.SshConnectorConfig@6a679801, httpConnectorConfig=net.unimus.schema.HttpConnectorConfig@4bde6637, httpsConnectorConfig=net.unimus.schema.HttpsConnectorConfig@56109c37), id=a89194c2-235d-0322-7977-c8b40adf0ed0, unimus-request-processing-duration=PT0.065S, timestamp=1469864657664}]

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:04 am
by Tomas
That is really... strange. Internally, the port list is a Set, which doesnt allow duplicate entries.
Can you please stop your Unimus, delete the database, run the wizard again and see if the issue happens again?

Also, what type of DB are you using?

Currently, the database layer is being completely rewritten (will be released in the next release 0.2.0), and ports and their implementation is rewritten as well. So hopefully after 0.2.0, this will not happen anymore.

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:41 am
by scott560000
I used the file based DB HSQL, I've just reinstalled and used mysql and I don't get the duplicates anymore.

Still having no luck backing up on non-standard ports unfortunately. I get an ssh_none_device_credentials_valid error

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:03 pm
by Tomas
It means none of the credentials you have configured in Unimus were able to login to SSH on the configured ports.

From the log, we can see that Unimus finds the device correctly on the alternate port, but just cant login to it.
address=, port=9522

Can you please verify if you can manually log in to that device with credentials Unimus has configured?

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:09 am
by scott560000
Can you please verify if you can manually log in to that device with credentials Unimus has configured?
Sorry for the late reply, I know the credentials are correct as I use the same across all 3 network devices. Unimus was successfully able to log into my access point which is on standard port 22 for SSH

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:04 pm
by Tomas
Can you please contact me over a PM?

This issue is very strange, I would like to do a debugging session to look at it, if possible.

Re: Bug Report

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:21 pm
by Tomas
I found a bug - SSH connection can fail because of various reasons (ssh crypto unsupported, etc.).
Unimus would always return the error as "no valid credentials", even tho the actual error might have been different.

This will be fixed in 0.2.0 - released next week.