Unimus 2.1.2 & Unimus Core 2.1.2 release

Official news and announcements
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Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:09 pm

Unimus 2.1.2 is being released today! This is a bugfix release for the 2.1 code branch, fixing most of the known issues published in 2.1.0, together with any issues reported to our support.

We are very happy with the stability of the 2.1 codebase so far, with very few issues showing up in our entire deploy base. This release should iron out most of these remaining issues. The team is now focusing on development of APIv3 - feel free to check out the new API design here.

In case you missed our 2.1 announcement, we have published a 2.1 Release Overview you can read on our blog, or you can watch the Release Overview video below:

Links at https://unimus.net/download have been updated with the newest version. Starting with the 2.1.0 release, all binary releases of Unimus and Unimus Core are code-signed!

Full Changelog:
= Version 2.1.2 =
Hotfix release, please check full 2.1.1 changelog below
Fixed issues with migration from older versions on PostgreSQL
Fixed unable to delete credentials in certain cases

= Version 2.1.1 =
Updated NetXMS client library to latest version (3.9.229)
Performance improvements in Config Push (very large Push presets now behave without issues)
Improved search by device vendor / device type in "Devices" screen
Added "Credentials > Edit" option
Added "Credentials > CLI mode change password > Edit" option

Added support for new authentication options to devices:
- added "Username only" authentication support
- added "Password only" authentication support
- includes other internal improvements related to device login handling

Added support for:
- more variants of Cambium ePMP devices
- more variants of FiberHome devices
- MicroSens Switches

Fixed when many jobs are running and you scroll or re-order the Devices table, some rows can be duplicated and/or malformed
Fixed jobs could hang and devices could be stuck running a job forever in certain cases
Fixed Device ownership (Owner) is not properly set when using Basic Import
Fixed errors trying to navigate to the "Zones" screen in certain cases
Fixed opening a Config Push preset is slow and locks the UI session with large results (1000+ devices)
Fixed search in Config Push results is slow and locks the UI session with large results (1000+ devices)
Fixed searching in Push results doesn't update "Device in output group" table
Fixed search by device vendor / type not working under certain circumstances
Fixed already logged in user gets 'Access denied' when they manually navigate to '/'
Fixed sorting by Job Status in "Devices" table does not work properly if Unmanaged devices are present
Fixed moving many devices across Zones (for example "Move to Default Zone" on Zone delete) could fail
Fixed Updating device via REST APIv2 results in Internal server error
Fixed 'Require "enable" mode' is not automatically checked when 'Require "configure"' is checked during Config Push preset creation
Fixed "Config Push > Run now" now properly clears all result tables
Fixed APIv2 calls to the "devices" endpoint using PATCH don't work
Fixed forgotten password recovery would not work in certain situations
Fixed trying to show old history job result details would show an error
Fixed PRTG import could fail when specific characters were present in username or password
Fixed data put into HTTP query parameters are not escaped in NMS Sync importers that use HTTP protocols
Fixed in HA deployments, a Zone Access Key could be changed on other instances if a Zone was edited on another instance
Fixed multiple UI / UX issues in Config Push and Config Push > Advanced Settings
Fixed irrelevant errors in the log file during application start
Fixed errors in the log file when the application is turned off during Deploy Wizard
Fixed jobs failing on Cambium ePMP devices in specific cases
Fixed backups failing on FiberHome devices in specific cases

Security fixes:
Fixed "Show all passwords" in "Devices > Info" would stay active until you left the "Devices" screen (instead of when the window was closed)
Fixed multiple instances when a cleartext password could be printed to the log file (introduced in 2.1.0)
There are a few remaining minor known issues to be aware of:
Known issues:
ISSUE: API remove device endpoint doesn't work
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in next version

ISSUE: PRTG NMS Sync does not work
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in next version

ISSUE: Notifications don't contain a list of addresses of filtered devices (no connectors, Core offline, etc.)
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in next version

ISSUE: "Re-discover affected devices when Ports or Connectors change" Advanced Settings option does not work
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in next version

ISSUE: "Stop" in Config Push does not work
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in next version

ISSUE: Some screens in Unimus show time in server's time zone, others in client's (browser's) time zone
WORKAROUND: none, issue only relevant if client has different time zone than server
STATUS: we are debating on how to fix this - will likely create a setting to select which TZ should be used
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