Unimus 2.0.4 & Unimus Core 2.0.4 release

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Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:38 pm

Unimus & Unimus Core version 2.0.4 are being released today! This is another bugfix release in the 2.0 release branch, but it does also include a few new minor features.

Links at https://unimus.net/download have been updated with the newest versions for Unimus & Core.

Full Changelog:
= Version 2.0.4 =
Hotfix release - fixed Config Change emails not properly rendering the change diff
Please refer to the 2.0.3 section for the full Changelog

= Version 2.0.3 =
Added a new warning box when displaying very large backups and diffs
Added new help windows and more documentation for Mass Config Push
Added a link to documentation for the Sensitive Data Stripping feature
Zabbix importer (NMS Sync) now has options to configure which fields are pulled as device address and description
Improved performance of diff generation - specially visible on large diffs
Added Panopta importer (NMS Sync)
Improved performance of all jobs - interaction with devices now uses less CPU
Cumulus driver now requires access to 'root' ('sudo su') for backup (to have access to all config files)
Cumulus driver will now retrieve files in '/etc/frr' during backup to save FRR config
Improvements to debug logs - added logs to a few missing edge-cases in various places in the Core
Adtran AOS driver will now switch the session to 'no events' mode before performing backup

Mass Config Push improvements:
- you can now send special / command characters (for example CTRL+X) in Config Push
- you can now specify command submission behavior (if to send <enter> after a command or not)
- you can now specify if Unimus waits for known output after each sent line
- more at: https://wiki.unimus.net/display/UNPUB/Mass+Config+Push

Added support for:
- Arista vEOS
- old Allied Telesis AlliedWare switch models
- more variants of Dell PowerConnect switches
- FiberStore FS3900
- Nokia ISAM (7363)
- ZyXel IES (MSC)

Fixed Config Search not displaying all results if there were multiple devices with same address in multiple Zones
Fixed Cores disconnecting and not being able to connect back to Unimus until Unimus was restarted
Fixed PRTG importer only importing a maximum of 500 items
Fixed line overflow on diff line numbers (with large numbers)
Fixed line overflow on Config Search line numbers (with large numbers)
Fixed Config Search 'last valid date' being wrong - initial retrieval time instead of last valid time was used
Fixed Config Search text being partially cut-off on the left side, line numbers were overlapping
Fixed multiple other cosmetic UI inconsistencies (alignment issues, etc.)
Fixed Telnet discovery failing on devices when there were SSH-key credentials available for the device
Fixed not stripping "ip ftp password" on Cisco when Sensitive Data Stripping was enabled
Fixed Cambium ePMP discovery not working
Fixed Nokia ISAM / SROS / TiMOS discovery not working
Fixed not properly removing device prompt in Config Push when command failed (caused Output Grouping to not work)
Fixed backup failing (timing out) on devices with extremely large backups (looking at you Zhone)
Fixed Config Push failing (or not grabbing all data) on devices with very similar pagination and prompt
Fixed some versions of Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch failing Discovery (discovery would report an unsupported device)
Fixed discovery not working on some specific older Juniper JunOS versions
Fixed backup failing on WatchGuard - backup timeout was increased, as the default was too short
Fixed logs (events) during backup on Adtran AOS being captures as a part of the backup
Fixed not completely stripping pagination on some Aruba devices ('--' would remain in the config)
In case you missed it, we have published a 2.0 Release Overview on our blog if you want to read up on this release.
Alternatively, you can watch the Release Overview video below:

If you are migrating from Unimus v1, please note these migration warnings:
Slack integration has been migrated from a Webhook to a Slack App. Your Slack notifications will not work without reconfiguration. Manual migration and reconfiguration is required.

Migration warnings:
Slack integration has been migrated from a Webhook to a Slack App. This is due to the addition of sending Configuration
Change Notifications over Slack. The Webhook API did not support sending Snippets, which Config Notifications require.
You will need to setup a new Slack App for Unimus, and reconfigure Unimus Slack sender in "Notifications > Slack".

Weekly schedules were running one day earlier than configured. We have migrated existing schedules to the day they were
running on - which was different than what was configured. If you were using weekly schedules, please review your
schedule configuration.

For some devices, there may be a single config-change notification after the first backup following the 2.0.0 upgrade.
This will show a change occurred inside a comment or a non-config line. This is expected due to changes to the dynamic
(runtime) backup content filtering mentioned in the "Features" section. This is caused by changes to what Unimus
considers as dynamic (runtime) data inside backups, and you can safely ignore this change notification.
Finally, there are a few low-impact known issues to be aware of:
Known issues:
ISSUE: unable to set Unimus connection timeout in Core - this doesn't influence Core functionality in any way
STATUS: framework limitation, update to newer framework planned in Q3 2020

ISSUE: when you delete the "Device Output Log" file in "Debug mode", any jobs that started before deletion, but finish after
deletion will recreate the file and write their output to the file
WORKAROUND: delete "Device Output Log" after all jobs finish / no jobs are running
STATUS: issue scheduled for fix in 2.0.5

ISSUE: with higher latency, when writing text into an input box, a desync may occur that causes a character to get lost,
and the cursor to jump to the start of the input box
STATUS: we are investigating

ISSUE: special characters can be replaced by '?' under specific circumstances
STATUS: currently no ETA, framework limitations
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