I used this to deploy vlans to our CCR routers for our 12 site enterprise. It uses key:value arrays for the vlans.
Code: Select all
###This Script will auto create vlans that are missing
###Add the vlans you need to have in the newVlanArray variable by using "vlanid"="vlanName" and the script will do the rest
##Initialize variables
:global "physInterface" ether1;
:global "newVlanArray" {"104"="104-MGMT";"116"="116-security";"152"="152-pcdata";"160"="160-printers";"168"="168-voice";"176"="176-wireless"};
:global "oldVlanArray" [/interface vlan find];
:global "COUNTER1" 0;
#Create function to add all the vlans to the router
#Create Function to add a single vlan
:global "AddSingleVlan" do={
/interface vlan add interface=$1 name=$2 vlan-id=$3;
:put "VLAN $2 has been added";
:global "AddAllVlans" do={
:foreach k,v in=$newVlanArray do={
$AddSingleVlan $physInterface $v $k
#Backup Router using Binary Backup
#Check to see if there are any vlans on router. If not, add all vlans
#If vlans exists, check to see if each one exists and create the ones that do not
system backup save dont-encrypt=yes name=BeforeVlans
:delay 5
:if ([:len $oldVlanArray] < 1) do={
:put "No Vlans are on this router";
:put "All New Vlans are now added";
} else={
:put "VLANS exist, checking each one"
:foreach k,v in=$newVlanArray do={
:global newvlanid $k
:global newvlanname $v
:set "COUNTER1" 0
:foreach item in=$oldVlanArray do={
:global oldvlanname [/interface vlan get value-name=name number=$item]
:global oldvlanid [/interface vlan get value-name=vlan-id number=$item]
:if ($oldvlanid !=$k) do={:set "COUNTER1" ($COUNTER1 +1)}}
:if ($COUNTER1 = [:len $oldVlanArray]) do={$AddSingleVlan $physInterface $newvlanname $newvlanid}