The name for the account is pre-configured, and if the account already exists, it is not changed in any way. There are 2 options - generating the account with a pre-defined password, or generating random passwords on each device. Account will be automatically deleted after a specified period.
This script only needs to be deployed once, account deletion is performed by the device itself. If a randomly generated password is used, each device will output the password that was generated, and you will see an Output Group in Unimus Config Push per-device, with it's associated password.
1) pre-configured password
Code: Select all
:local username "set-username-here"
:local password "set-password-here"
:local group "read"
:local validForDays "3"
# --- do not change after this point ---
# date manipulation from
:local addDate do={
:local mdays {31;28;31;30;31;30;31;31;30;31;30;31}
:local months {"jan"=1;"feb"=2;"mar"=3;"apr"=4;"may"=5;"jun"=6;"jul"=7;"aug"=8;"sep"=9;"oct"=10;"nov"=11;"dec"=12}
:local monthr {"jan";"feb";"mar";"apr";"may";"jun";"jul";"aug";"sep";"oct";"nov";"dec"}
:local dd [:tonum [:pick $date 4 6]]
:local yy [:tonum [:pick $date 7 11]]
:local month [:pick $date 0 3]
:local mm ($months->$month)
:set dd ($dd+$days)
#:put $dd
:local dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:while ($dd>$dm) do={
:set dd ($dd-$dm)
:set mm ($mm+1)
:if ($mm>12) do={
:set mm 1
:set yy ($yy+1)
:set dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:while ($dd<=0) do={
:set mm ($mm-1)
:if ($mm=0) do={
:set mm 12
:set yy ($yy-1)
:set dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:set dd ($dd+$dm)
:local res "$[:pick $monthr ($mm-1)]/"
:if ($dd<10) do={ :set res ($res."0") }
:set $res "$res$dd/$yy"
:return $res
:if ([:len [/user find name=$username]] = 0) do={
:local deletionDate [$addDate date=[/system clock get date] days=$validForDays]
add name="$username" password="$password" group="$group"
/system scheduler
add name="Delete account '$username' on $deletionDate" start-date="$deletionDate" start-time=[/system clock get time] on-event="{ /user remove [find name=\"$username\"]; /system scheduler remove [find name=\"Delete account '$username' on $deletionDate\"] }"
Code: Select all
:local username "set-username-here"
:local group "read"
:local validForDays "3"
# --- do not change after this point ---
# date manipulation from
:local addDate do={
:local mdays {31;28;31;30;31;30;31;31;30;31;30;31}
:local months {"jan"=1;"feb"=2;"mar"=3;"apr"=4;"may"=5;"jun"=6;"jul"=7;"aug"=8;"sep"=9;"oct"=10;"nov"=11;"dec"=12}
:local monthr {"jan";"feb";"mar";"apr";"may";"jun";"jul";"aug";"sep";"oct";"nov";"dec"}
:local dd [:tonum [:pick $date 4 6]]
:local yy [:tonum [:pick $date 7 11]]
:local month [:pick $date 0 3]
:local mm ($months->$month)
:set dd ($dd+$days)
#:put $dd
:local dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:while ($dd>$dm) do={
:set dd ($dd-$dm)
:set mm ($mm+1)
:if ($mm>12) do={
:set mm 1
:set yy ($yy+1)
:set dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:while ($dd<=0) do={
:set mm ($mm-1)
:if ($mm=0) do={
:set mm 12
:set yy ($yy-1)
:set dm [:pick $mdays ($mm-1)]
:if ($mm=2 && (($yy&3=0 && $yy/100*100 != $yy) || $yy/400*400=$yy) ) do={ :set dm 29 }
:set dd ($dd+$dm)
:local res "$[:pick $monthr ($mm-1)]/"
:if ($dd<10) do={ :set res ($res."0") }
:set $res "$res$dd/$yy"
:return $res
:if ([:len [/user find name=$username]] = 0) do={
:local deletionDate [$addDate date=[/system clock get date] days=$validForDays]
# RouterOS will automatically clean up the generated OTP, since it has 0 validity
:local generatedPassword ([/certificate scep-server otp generate minutes-valid=0 as-value]->"password")
add name="$username" password="$generatedPassword" group="$group"
:put "---"
:put "Created user '$username' with password '$generatedPassword'"
:put "---"
/system scheduler
add name="Delete account '$username' on $deletionDate" start-date="$deletionDate" start-time=[/system clock get time] on-event="{ /user remove [find name=\"$username\"]; /system scheduler remove [find name=\"Delete account '$username' on $deletionDate\"] }"