This script is idempotent - meaning it won't cause any issues if ran multiple times, or if some users it declares are already present.
Code: Select all
:local users {"username1"="passwd1"; "user2"="pwd2"; "mary"="lamb"}
:foreach uname,pwd in=$users do={
:if ([:len [find name=$uname]] = 0) do={
add name=$uname password=$pwd group=full
1) it will not remove users which are no longer specified in the script
2) it will not change passwords for users that already exist
3) it keeps passwords in clear-text as part of the script
Issues 1 and 2 can be solved by removing all non-active users before adding:
Code: Select all
:foreach u in=[find] do={
:local shouldRemove true
:foreach au in=[active find] do={
:if ([get $u name] = [active get $au name]) do={
:set shouldRemove false
:if ($shouldRemove) do={
remove $u
1) host the passwords in a file on a HTTPS (TLS) webserver, pull it and load it in the scripts (this has it's own drawbacks)
2) use SSH keys
As a side-note:
While doing user management this way is entirely functional, if you are doing user management this way on a large network, it would be worth it considering using Radius instead.