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Additional sort options in device view

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:59 am
by ptorbjornsson

It would be great if you could sort devices by date/time added to Unimus.
We almost exclusively add devices via API, so it would be very helpful when doing manual follow-up on recently added devices.
I seem to remember that the "default sort" in one of the previous versions was the "add order", but it has changed.

Also, it could be useful to be able to sort with more than one parameter. E.g. sorting by description, vendor and model at the same time.

Re: Additional sort options in device view

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:17 pm
by Vik@Unimus
Thank you for the suggestion. This can be included with the future plans to rework the device list filtering and sorting.
I will add it to our internal ticket.